
Aug '23- Jun'24

BEOL compatible Indium Tin Oxide Transistor for 3D monolithic integration (Fabrication and Modeling)
Guide: Prof. Veeresh Deshpande, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Fabricated BEOL compatible ITO MOSFET for application in eDRAM. Performed TCAD modeling to design an optimized process flow, as well as provide insight on device physics in subthreshold and ON regimes.

May '22- August '23

Band-to-Band tunneling based neuron- TCAD calibration and modeling, design space and variability analysis
Guide: Prof. Udayan Ganguly, MeLoDe Labs, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Modeled the GlobalFoundries 32nm PDSOI MOSFET for operation in band to band tunneling (BTBT) regime. Calibrated experimental results using Sentaurus TCAD. Investigated the BTBT physics- presence of trap assisted tunneling and direct tunneling dominant regions. Performed design space analysis and variability analysis in TCAD.

May'23- August '24

Variability-Aware Process and Aging Degradation Device-to-Circuit Degradation in CARAT
Guide: Prof. Souvik Mahapatra, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Integrated variability aware time-0 DVT, BTI and HCD variability in CARAT framework. Performed a comparative study between different small and large circuits, as well as different aging cases to understand the relative impact of individual variability due to process (time-0) and aging (BTI, HCD).

Spring '22

Performance comparison of Patterned SOI over traditional SOI MOSFETs
Guide: Prof. Udayan Ganguly, MeLoDe Labs, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Demonstrated the comparison of Patterned SOI and traditional SOI, with simulations done in Sentaurus TCAD. Observed amn improved SS and DIBL in patterned SOI.

Fall '21

Reliability of Cryo CMOS based circuits
Guide: Prof. Souvik Mahapatra, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Studied a compact model used to partition the measured threshold voltage shift kinetics for different stresses into Hot Carrier Degradation, Bias Temperature Instability and electron/hole trapping subcomponents at low temperature using spice simulations.

Academic Projects

Fall '22

Low SNR input LSM - Optimal Compression and Preprocessing
Modelled the architecture of a liquid state machine (LSM) for speech recognition by modifying the preprocessing chain, LSM reservior and output classification set of neurons to train the network for low SNR input (10dB) by achieving similar spiking response as compared to high SNR input (52dB)

Spring '23

Resonant Tunneling Diodes- NEGF-Poisson based consistent simulation
Modelled a resonant tunneling diode heterostructure using a self consistent NEGF-Poisson formulation in MATLAB to study the impact of variation in quantum well and barrier parameters on transmission coefficient and I-V characteristics.

Spring '22

Cascode CS-LNA Design
Designed a single ended cascoded common source Low Noise Amplifier (CS-LNA) in UMC 180nm CMOS technology. Achieved noise figure less than 2dB at 24GHz frequency.
Code Report

Fall '21

Operational Transconductance Amplifier with Class-B Slew Rate Boosting
Designed a operational transconductance amplifier with slew rate boosting of given target specifications for high-performance switched capacitor ADCs.

Spring '22

20 MHz Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) for POF applications
Designed a 3-stage closed loop transimpedance amplifier using CS JFET and 2 CE BJTs with collector-base biasing with 20MHz of bandwidth for plastic optical fiber communication.

Spring '21

Temperature Monitor
Built a temperature monitor on the Atmel AT89C51 Micro-controller (PT-51), interfacing LM35 using ADC MCP3008 to raise an alarm in case of rapid temperature variation.

Fall '20

Improving Photoluminescence in InAs Surface Quantum Dots
Simulated 3D Stranski-Krastanov (SK) grown sub-monolayer InAs quantum dot heterostructure in NEXTNANO++ to study their strain, energy and photo-luminescence properties. Analyzed the surfactant effect of Sb in InAs surface quantum dots to improve the photo-luminescence.
Code Report

Fall '20

Planet and Atmosphere Renderer
Developed a real-time engine capable of rendering the earth with atmospheric scattering using GLFW library. Implemented graphics and modeling-viewing pipeline,GLSL shaders, vao and vbo code in OpenGL